Alaska Board of Fisheries - Southeast Alaska Guides Organization (2024)

Proposal No.Proposed Action & RationaleReg. SectionProposed by:Results



Action: Close waters around Klawock to sport fishing for Dungeness crab

Rationale: Depletion of subsistence crab opportunity and no Local Area Management Plan

5 AAC 47.021

Klawock Tribe



Action: Close Yakutat area Dungeness crab sport fishery

Rationale: Closed annually by Emergency Order since 2005

5 AAC 47.021ADFG
60Action: Establish guided sport ecotourism (viewing only) for Dungeness crab in Sitka SoundNew sectionPersonal

Action: Amend methods and means for sport harvest of shellfish in Southeast and allow take by hook and line in addition to other gear specified

Rationale: Eliminate redundancy and add detail

5 AAC 47.035ADFG

Action: Establish a regional sablefish nonresident limit of 4 daily, 4 in possession, and 8 fish annual limit, as well as require a harvest record for the species

Rationale: Recent increase in sport fishing pressure, specifically 2010 estimated harvest of 4,793 increasing to the 2015 estimate of 13,338 fish ? the stock is stable, but at a historic low abundance

5 AAC 47.020PersonalPassed 4-3

Action: Repeal mandatory retention requirements for nonpelagic rockfish

Rationale: Better to release very small or non-target fish so they can survive

5 AAC 47.065PersonalPassed unanimously
126Action: Require all anglers release nonpelagic rockfish at depth with deep water release mechanisms5 AAC 47.030PersonalPassed unanimously as amended, implementation in 2020 season

Action: Set provisions for reducing resident pelagic rockfish bag limit in Central Southeast Outside by refraining from sport reduction below 5 fish per day unless the residential share of sport pelagic harvest exceeded 50% for two consecutive year

Rationale: Action intended to distinguish between charter and non-charter anglers in response to 2016/17 reduction in all sport catch from 5 fish to 3 per day, despite non-charter anglers? decrease in catch from 2007-15

5 AAC 47.021



Action: Reduce pelagic rockfish limits in Sitka Area to 3 fish and 6 in possession, no size limit

Rationale: Respond to the three-fold increase in sport catch and gradual decline in average weight

5 AAC 47.021(g)ADFGPassed

Action: Amend sport king salmon restrictions for Lynn Canal & Chilkat River FMP inside the surfline from April 15-June 30 when preseason projects of run strength falls within certain pre-established ranges

– Upper 1/3 of escapement range: Taku Inlet north of Cooper Point closed to king fishing April 15 through June 15. Waters of Lynn Canal above latitude of Eldred Rock closed to king fishing. Maximum limit two (2) king salmon per day

– Middle 1/3: Taku Inlet and waters from Limestone Inlet to a line from Pt Louisa to Symonds Point closed to king fishing April 15 through June 15. Waters of district 15 that are open to sport fishing, maximum limit one (1) king salmon per day.

– Lower 1/3: all waters of district 11 and 15 closed to king salmon fishing. Waters of district 12 and 14 open to sport fishing, maximum limit of one (1) king salmon/day.

Rationale: Projections and current stock information put the population at an all-time low, maintenance requires adequate annual escapement into the Taku and Chilkat.

Similar proposals submitted by this individual for troll & gillnet fleets

5 AAC 47.021

5 AAC 33.384


Action: Close the spring commercial salmon troll fishery to chinook when the Juneau sport fishery is closed to chinook

(To affect: Districts 9, 12, and 14 between April 15 ? June 15)

5 AAC 29.090Territorial SportsmenFailed
136Action: Extend the area closed to sport fishing downstream and upstream of the Situk River weir to 300 yards during June and July, reverting to 100 yards if the adult chinook count reaches minimum escapement goals5 AAC 47.023Yakutat Fish & Game Advisory Committee
137Action: Increase the residential king salmon possession limit to 6 fish over 28 inches when the preseason abundance index is greater than 2.05 AAC 47.055PersonalFailed
138Action: Clarify in regulation whether ADFG allows the retention of other salmon or rockfish while fishing for kings with two rods, propose allowing retention of other salmon5 AAC 47.055Personal

Action: Amend Mist Cove salmon closure to allow taking salmon with fly fishing gear and prohibit snagging

Rationale: The closure was intended to prevent damage to net pens and provide safety for site crew and fly fishing gear does not cause damage or safety issues

5 AAC 47.021Personal

Action: Expand the Herring Bay Sportfish Terminal Harvest Area by opening a sub-area to Ketchikan STHA for additional sport fishing for hatchery-produced king salmon with a 2-fish daily bag limit that does not count against anglers annual limit

Rationale: Alleviate inequities between inside and outside port fisheries earlier in the season

5 AAC 33.369Personal

Action: Recreate a terminal harvest area and mgmt. plan for Carroll Inlet to distribute hatchery produced king salmon in the area between purse seine, troll, and drift gillnet fleets

Rationale: Thoroughly discussed by the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Board of Directors, with alternatives and changes to reflect consensus between the various affected groups

New section: 5 AAC 33.xxxSSRAA

Action: Establish non-resident annual limits for sockeye salmon in Southeast salt waters to be twice the daily bag limit

Rationale: Claims abuses to sport fish bag and possession limit by nonresident anglers and that the mail-out sport harvest survey is inadequate to account for catch

5 AAC 47.020(2)SE Subsistence Regional Advisory CouncilFailed

Action: Establish nonresident annual limit for sockeye salmon in Southeast fresh waters to be twice the daily bag limit

Rationale: Claims abuses to sportfish bag and possession limits and that the mail-out harvest survey is inadequate to account for catch

5 AAC 47.022(b)(2)SE Subsistence Regional Advisory CouncilFailed

Action: Simplify current freshwater sport regulations for king salmon in freshwater drainages of Sitka Sound Special Use Area; bag and possession limit proposed as 10 fish, no size limit, and a king taken by a nonresident does not count towards nonresident annual limit

Rationale: No wild stocks present

5 AAC 47.023(g)(10)ADFGPassed

Action: Amend the open season for Dolly Varden in Auke Bay to change dates from June 1 – March 31 to July 1 – April 30, to allow May and June fishing

Rationale: Healthy population with little fishing pressure

5 AAC 47.021PersonalFailed

Action: Increase the bag limit for Dolly Varden on the Juneau road system to 4 fish

Rationale: There is a 10 per day and 10 in possession limit in most other locations in Southeast, so roadside anglers can usually see boats with those limits nearby; proposer could not find rationale for roadside limit anywhere

5 AAC 47.023?(1)(A)(v)PersonalFailed

Action: Prohibit snagging in all salt and freshwaters along the Juneau road system with minor exceptions in approved areas when hatchery fish abundance is strong

Rationale: Growing concern of user group conflict between sport groups

5 AAC 47.021Personal
201Action: Make Dredge Lake area catch-and-release only5 AAC 47.023Personal
202Action: Allow only single, barbless hooks on artificial lures in Dredge Lake areaPersonalFailed

Action: Rescind salmon sport fishing closure in Sheep Creek

Rationale: no longer necessary

5 AAC 47.023(e)(1)(J)ADFGPassed

Action: amend sockeye salmon management measures in Windfall Creek so that if escapement goals are reached, ADFG has a harvest tag system to allow annual catch taken in single day; propose closure June 1-August 1, with Tues-Thursday/Sat-Sun exceptions in June

Rationale: seeing excessive crowding on the open days right now

5 AAC 47.023PersonalFailed
205Action: Prohibit multiple and barbed hooks in the Tsiu River drainage5 AAC 47.023PersonalFailed
Alaska Board of Fisheries - Southeast Alaska Guides Organization (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.