Baldur's Gate 3: Why the Bloodthirst Dagger is a Must-Have for Any Rogue Character (2025)


  • Baldur's Gate 3 features a powerful dagger called Bloodthirst that is highly recommended for rogues due to its strong damage and deadly appearance.
  • Players can obtain the Bloodthirst dagger by defeating the shapeshifter Orin in Act 3 of the game, but they must loot her body after the battle to ensure the weapon transforms into Bloodthirst.
  • Bloodthirst is a dual-wielded light weapon that provides critical stat increases, a Divination cantrip, and the ability to exploit weaknesses in enemies. It is an excellent choice for rogues and can greatly impact turn-based combat.

Baldur’s Gate 3, like any other RPG, has a wide range of weapons that players can get their hands on. Not all are created equal, however, and there are some tools of destruction that can tip the scales of battle. One such weapon is a dagger that rogues especially would do well to aim for, given its delicious damage and wicked appearance.

Aside from just its benefits in battle, Baldur's Gate 3 's Bloodthirst is likely most powerful when in the hands of a skilled rogue. Whether the player is a rogue themselves or they make use of the existing rogue character, Astarion, getting one’s hands on this blade is a must.

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Baldur's Gate 3's Bloodthirst Dagger Has More Than Looks Going For It

Baldur's Gate 3: Why the Bloodthirst Dagger is a Must-Have for Any Rogue Character (1)

Bloodthirst is the name of the legendary dagger that belongs to Orin, a malicious shapeshifter and devoted chosen to the Lord of Murder, Bhaal. The mysticism surrounding this blade is as potent as its wielder, since Orin brandishes it like an extension of herself in almost every one of her cutscenes. Its blood-red, asymmetrical blade used to belong to Bhaal himself, back when he was a mortal man.

To get the dagger, players must enter Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3’s story, the only requirement being that they must eventually confront Orin in battle within the Bhaal Temple. However, the way in which anything else is accomplished up to and after that point is up to the player, including the Dark Urge play-through option. Once the changeling Orin has been defeated, the legendary weapon is free for the taking.

Technically, Orin doesn’t actually use Bloodthirst when fighting, as she instead wields Crimson Mischief, a short-sword, and Blade of the First Blood, a dagger that looks identical to Bloodthirst. If players kill Orin and loot her body before ending the fight, usually by keeping her cultists alive until then, the dagger will remain unchanged and Bloodthirst will become unobtainable.

However, for story reasons, the dagger becomes Bloodthirst when looting Orin’s body after the fight is over. The only differences between these two iterations is that, when wielded in the off-hand, Bloodthirst has an AC rating of +1, and Blade of the First Blood has an Armor Class rating of -1. First Blood also does Necrotic damage alongside Piercing Damage. There is no difference in appearance. Both Bloodthirst and Blade of the First Blood are excellent picks, so it just depends on a player’s personal preference.

Naturally, Bloodthirst is a Light weapon, meaning it can be dual-wielded by certain classes, rogues included. It matches well with Crimson Mischief, but the real benefit comes with the critical stat increase and added Divination cantrip. In turn-based combat, the difference a critical hit makes can literally mean life or death, and the fact that the dagger comes with its own True Strike cantrip means players can gain Advantage on their next Attack Roll once every turn. The official stat box information is as follows:

  • Improved Critical: The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
  • True Strike Divination Cantrip
  • Main Hand Only
  • Exploit Weakness: Creatures hit with this weapon receive Vulnerability to Piercing Damage.
  • Off-Hand Only
  • True Strike Riposte: When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you may retaliate and gain True Strike.
  • Armour Class: +1
  • Weapon Enchantment +2
  • Range: 1.5 m
  • 1d4+2 Piercing

It’s clear that Bhaal's former blade is a rogue’s dream come true, both stat-wise and because of the dagger’s murderous history. It truly is a blade of legend, having slit the flesh of countless unsuspecting foes, and doubtless many innocents as well. Whether the player chooses to use this wicked scarlet weapon for good or for evil is up to them, but they’ll undoubtedly look good either way.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC and PS5, with an Xbox Series X/S version also in development.

MORE: How to Get All Legendary Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3: Why the Bloodthirst Dagger is a Must-Have for Any Rogue Character (2025)
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