The Poster In 何者 (2016)

1. Film Review: Someone (何者, Nanimono) - James Y. Shih - Medium

  • 24 feb 2021 · It has an engaging premise: college friends making their way into the hyper competitive Japanese workforce try to help each other out by researching and ...

  • To continue on with my reviews of Japanese films I’ve been watching during the pandemic, I want to explore a 2016 film called Someone (何者…

2. [Upcoming Japanese Movie 2016] Nanimono/Somebody/何者 - Japan

  • 18 mrt 2016 · Satoh Takeru stars in the new movie 'Nanimono' based from the Naoki Prize novel by Asai Ryo. The story is about 5 students who explore job hunting.

  • NANIMONO/SOMEBODY/何者 Profile Movie: Somebody (literal title) Romaji: Nanimono Japanese: 何者 Director: Daisuke Miura Writer: Ryo Asai (novel) Producer: Cinematographer: Release Date: October 15, 2016 Runtime: Distributor: Toho Language: Japanese Country: Japan Plot 5 university students gather to e...

3. 何者(2016) - 海报— The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • 拓人在大学时代参加了话剧社团,一心想要在舞台上做出一番建树。然而毕业后,他和大部分应届生一样,放弃了表演,穿上西装打上领带,奔赴在各大公司的面试会场之间。

  •   拓人在大学时代参加了话剧社团,一心想要在舞台上做出一番建树。然而毕业后,他和大部分应届生一样,放弃了表演,穿上西装打上领带,奔赴在各大公司的面试会场之间。瑞月和光太郎是拓人的同窗兼好友,两人曾是一对恋人后来分手,而如今的拓人依旧默默的爱慕着瑞月。瑞月的肩上背负着赡养家庭的重担,因此在找工作上格外拼命,而光太郎曾是乐队的主唱,过惯了自由散漫的生活的他如今亦加入了求职的队伍之中。巨大的压力,无数的竞争者,稀少的内定名额,眼看着瑞月和光太郎等人一个接着一个的拿到了名额,拓人的内心渐渐产生了微妙的扭曲。

4. Someone (2016) - MyDramaList

  • Five university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter.

  • Five university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on...

5. N@NIMONO (何者, Daisuke Miura, 2016) - Windows on Worlds

  • 12 dec 2017 · Five youngsters struggle to accept the social constraints of adulthood in Daisuke Miura's adaptation of Ryo Asai's Naoki Prize winning ...

  • Five youngsters struggle to accept the social constraints of adulthood in Daisuke Miura's adaptation of Ryo Asai's Naoki Prize winning novel.

6. Someone (2016) directed by Daisuke Miura • Reviews, film + cast

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, ...

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds. Takuto Ninomiya observes those around him. His roommate Kotaro Kamiya has a bright personality and communicates well with others. Mizuki Tanabe is Kotaro Kamiya’s ex-girlfriend. Takuto Ninomiya has feelings for his roommate's ex-girlfriend. Rika Kobayakawa is determined to land a job. Takayoshi Miyamoto is critical of job-seeking activities, but he later tries to get a job.

7. Someone (2016) - The Movie Database

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, ...

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds. Takuto Ninomiya observes those around him. His roommate Kotaro Kamiya has a bright personality and communicates well with others. Mizuki Tanabe is Kotaro Kamiya’s ex-girlfriend. Takuto Ninomiya has feelings for his roommate's ex-girlfriend. Rika Kobayakawa is determined to land a job. Takayoshi Miyamoto is critical of job-seeking activities, but he later tries to get a job.

8. Someone • Film • TvProfil

  • 何者 (2016). drama | Japan. Režiser: Daisuke Miura. Gdje gledati. Emisija nije ... poster. Takeru Satoh · poster. Masaki Suda · poster. Kasumi Arimura · poster.

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds

9. About: Someone (film)

  • Someone (何者, Nanimono) is a 2016 Japanese drama film based on the novel by the same name by Ryo Asai. It was released in Japan by Toho on October 15, 2016.

10. 何者_百度百科

  • 《何者》是由三浦大辅执导、编剧,佐藤健、有村架纯、二阶堂富美、菅田将晖等主演的剧情片,于2016年10月15日在日本上映。该片根据朝井辽的同名小说改编,讲述了五位即将 ...

  • 《何者》是由三浦大辅执导、编剧,佐藤健、有村架纯、二阶堂富美、菅田将晖等主演的剧情片,于2016年10月15日在日本上映。该片根据朝井辽的同名小说改编,讲述了五位即将面临毕业求职季的大学生,一面相互鼓励、一面各自怀着复杂心态面对彼此的故事。

11. Someone • Filme • TvProfil

  • 何者 (2016). Drama | Japão. Direção: Daisuke Miura. Onde procurar. Mostrar não ... poster. Takeru Satoh · poster. Masaki Suda · poster. Kasumi Arimura · poster.

  • 5 university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts & worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds

The Poster In 何者 (2016)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 5960

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.